Wednesdays White Tara 7pmWhite Tara (Tibetan - Dolma Karmo or Dolkar) White Tara is always depicted as a peaceful deity. Her special function is to promote long life, both for the practitioner and for others. Ultimately, she is the very nature of the dharmakaya, and her practice is a means for attaining liberation.
She is seen as is a beautiful loving mother figure, with a body that is the brilliant white of a thousand autumn moons. She seated in the vajra posture above a white moon disc and an open lotus. Her aura glows, as various colored rings framed with lotus blossoms surround her. Her garments are elaborately decorated with ornaments; on her head she wears a sparkling crown, crested by Buddha Amithaba himself; and she is adorned with beautiful jewelery - a long and a short necklace, as well as various gold and jewel ornaments. Her right hand rests across her knee in the mudra of supreme generosity, while her left hand holds near her heart the stem of a uptala flower, which is blossoming near her left ear. White Tara is always depicted as a peaceful deity. |
White Tara has seven eyes. She has three eyes on her face, the third eye in her forehead symbolizing her ability to see the unity of ultimate reality, while her two other eyes simultaneously see the relative and dualistic worlds. She has one eye on each palm of her hands and feet, showing that all her actions are governed by her ultimate wisdom and compassion. It is said that White Tara's seven eyes enable her to clearly "see" all beings in all the realms of existence. Her expression is one of the utmost compassion.
She is the protective, helpful and comforting mother who shows limitless kindness, generosity and protection towards those who are tossed in the ocean of suffering, and if we recite her mantra and make a connection to her, we draw closer to developing her enlightened qualities in ourselves.
Ultimately, she is the very nature of the Dharmakaya – “the ultimate nature or essence of the enlightened mind, which is uncreated, free from the limits of conceptual elaboration, empty of inherent existence, naturally radiant, beyond duality and spacious like the sky” (definition by Karma Lingpa). Her practice is a means for attaining liberation.
She is the protective, helpful and comforting mother who shows limitless kindness, generosity and protection towards those who are tossed in the ocean of suffering, and if we recite her mantra and make a connection to her, we draw closer to developing her enlightened qualities in ourselves.
Ultimately, she is the very nature of the Dharmakaya – “the ultimate nature or essence of the enlightened mind, which is uncreated, free from the limits of conceptual elaboration, empty of inherent existence, naturally radiant, beyond duality and spacious like the sky” (definition by Karma Lingpa). Her practice is a means for attaining liberation.
A Concise Practice Sadhana of the Exalted Tara
Led by Ven. Drupon Rinchen Dorjee Rinpoche
Ani Stanzin Chorol
Wednesdays 7pm CST/UTC-6
Click HERE for Opening Prayers and Dedication Prayers
Click HERE for White Tara Text
Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84634423623?pwd=SVNBRlBsNXlsWDMrbEsvWVBNVzN5UT09
Thank you White Tara Monthly Benefactors Claire Higham & William Evans
Led by Ven. Drupon Rinchen Dorjee Rinpoche
Ani Stanzin Chorol
Wednesdays 7pm CST/UTC-6
Click HERE for Opening Prayers and Dedication Prayers
Click HERE for White Tara Text
Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84634423623?pwd=SVNBRlBsNXlsWDMrbEsvWVBNVzN5UT09
Thank you White Tara Monthly Benefactors Claire Higham & William Evans
Sundays Medicine Buddha & Achi Chökyi Drölma Smoke Offering 10:00am
“Medicine Buddha’s form has the color of space, so as you recite, think: ‘He is there, pervading space. Medicinal nectar falls down like rain and benefits the entire world.'”
~H.E. Garchen Rinpoche
~H.E. Garchen Rinpoche

Medicine Buddha Master of Medicine, King of Lapis Lazuli Light
The Medicine Buddha (Skt: Bhaishajyaguru) is an important buddha, whose main initial vow as a bodhisattva was to become able to completely free all sentient beings from their illnesses.
The healing experienced by practicing the Medicine Buddha goes beyond curing our physical ailments. It also refers to overcoming the pain of suffering and the cause of suffering referred to in the Four Noble Truths. In other words, it is medicine that helps eliminate our defilements as we progress on the path to enlightenment.
The Medicine Buddha is the bright blue of lapis lazuli. In his left hand, he holds a traditional begging bowl that contains the nectar of cures and healing herbs. His right hand has the palm facing outward in the mudra of giving. He holds the stem of the Aruna flower.
Medicine Buddha encompasses the healing essence of all the Buddhas. It is said that anyone hearing his name or reciting his mantra (TADYATHA OM BEKHANDZYE BEKHANDZYE MAHA BEKHANDZYE RADZA SAMUDGATE SVAHA) will not be reborn in the lower realms.
Medicine Buddha & Achi Practice
The Heart of Benefit and Well-Being
Led by Ven. Drupon Rinchen Dorjee Rinpoche
Ani Stanzin Chorol
Sundays 10am CST/UTC-6
Click HERE for Opening Prayers and Dedication Prayers
Click HERE for Medicine Buddha Text
Click HERE for Achi Smoke Offering Text
Click HERE for World Peace Prayer
Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84634423623?pwd=SVNBRlBsNXlsWDMrbEsvWVBNVzN5UT09
Thank you Medicine Buddha Monthly Benefactor Lou Farley
The Medicine Buddha (Skt: Bhaishajyaguru) is an important buddha, whose main initial vow as a bodhisattva was to become able to completely free all sentient beings from their illnesses.
The healing experienced by practicing the Medicine Buddha goes beyond curing our physical ailments. It also refers to overcoming the pain of suffering and the cause of suffering referred to in the Four Noble Truths. In other words, it is medicine that helps eliminate our defilements as we progress on the path to enlightenment.
The Medicine Buddha is the bright blue of lapis lazuli. In his left hand, he holds a traditional begging bowl that contains the nectar of cures and healing herbs. His right hand has the palm facing outward in the mudra of giving. He holds the stem of the Aruna flower.
Medicine Buddha encompasses the healing essence of all the Buddhas. It is said that anyone hearing his name or reciting his mantra (TADYATHA OM BEKHANDZYE BEKHANDZYE MAHA BEKHANDZYE RADZA SAMUDGATE SVAHA) will not be reborn in the lower realms.
Medicine Buddha & Achi Practice
The Heart of Benefit and Well-Being
Led by Ven. Drupon Rinchen Dorjee Rinpoche
Ani Stanzin Chorol
Sundays 10am CST/UTC-6
Click HERE for Opening Prayers and Dedication Prayers
Click HERE for Medicine Buddha Text
Click HERE for Achi Smoke Offering Text
Click HERE for World Peace Prayer
Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84634423623?pwd=SVNBRlBsNXlsWDMrbEsvWVBNVzN5UT09
Thank you Medicine Buddha Monthly Benefactor Lou Farley
Achi Chökyi Drölma Queen of Space
Om Mama Tsakra Soha
Yar Du Sarwa Du Ra Dza Ra Dza Du Mama Du Hung Phat Soha |